Participating in the Major Degrees ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to live our history and develop a deeper understanding of our Order. There are two primary ways to participate; As a candidate receiving the Degrees and once a Degreed member, as an observer to the ceremony.
If you have already taken your Major Degrees, you may also consider joining or starting a Degree team. As with most things Hibernian, being a Degree team member is equal parts hard work and fun. There are currently two active Degree teams in New York State. Contact your Division Vice President or one of the Degree teams below for information on scheduling a degree exemplification, or starting or joining a degree team. "The Degrees of our Order are an essential part of being a member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. Each member, when receiving the Degrees, is shown the grand history of the Irish people and Catholic Faith, the importance of women in that history, and is sworn to a solemn obligation that is taken as Degreed members. Every member wishing to advance in the leadership of this Order, as well as every member wishing for a deeper understanding of the Order, is encouraged to take the Degrees as soon as possible after initiation, or as soon as made available. The importance of the Degrees cannot be put into words and must be experienced by each member to be fully understood.
A County or Division wishing to establish a Degree Team shall contact the State Vice President, who will in turn contact the National Vice President for approval by the National Board. Degrees shall be exemplified at least once a year and at each National Convention and at State Conventions whenever possible." - LAOH National Constitution |
Upcoming Ceremonies
Open to all LAOH members in good standing (bring your dues card). If have taken your Major Degrees, register as an observer (bring your Degrees card). If you have not yet taken your Degrees, register as a candidate.
Capital District Trinity Degree TeamBridge to Ireland
Celtic DegreeTeam |